Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, known for his action packed roles in recent films like Pathaan and Jawan, is also recognized in the industry for maintaining a fit physique well into his 50s. However, the unusual daily regimen that has helped Khan achieve this physique may not be the most suitable lifestyle choice according to health experts.
In a recent interview, Khan revealed that he adheres to an intermittent fasting approach, consuming only one meal each day. While intermittent fasting has gained popularity and emerging research suggests potential health benefits, experts note there is lack of conclusive evidence and it may not be suitable for everyone.
The actor also stated that he hits the gym for a half hour workout around 2 am before sleeping at 5 am and waking up between 9-10 am for shooting schedules. But consulting neurologist Dr. Sudhir Kumar from Apollo Hospitals points out some risks associated with this schedule. Exercising so close to bedtime can potentially disrupt sleep due to the mind and body not getting enough time to calm down. Adult's require 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night for overall wellness.
Disturbed sleep cycles have been linked to higher risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity and heart conditions according to research. Dr. Kumar recommends shifting workouts to evenings to avoid negatively impacting sleep. The best time for the body to initiate sleep is before midnight to sync with natural circadian rhythms.
While fans laud Shah Rukh Khan's admirable commitment to fitness at his age through disciplined habits, health professionals caution that his non traditional daily routine may not necessarily constitute the healthiest lifestyle and proper rest is important for both physical and mental well-being. Maintaining a balanced approach with adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise tailored to individual needs appears to be the most judicious path according to experts.