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Scented candles: Expert warns of hormone disruption risks and recommends safer fragrance alternatives


As many look forward to relaxing nights with the warm glow and pleasant scents of fragranced candles, an expert has raised concerns about potential risks posed by such indoor items. Dr. Srinivas Kandula, a leading endocrinologist, notes that scented candles commonly contain synthetic chemicals that can disrupt the body's hormone levels upon inhalation.

In a discussion on the issue, Dr. Kandula explained how phthalates – a type of plasticiser often added to candle wax for enhanced flexibility and lasting scent – have been linked to hormonal imbalances. These imbalances may contribute to issues affecting fertility and cancer risk over time. Other chemical derivatives like paraffins and preservatives in scented candles also carry risks for hormone disruption.

Given this, the expert advised limiting candle usage to well-ventilated areas as much as possible. Leaving candles burning for extended periods or overnight is not recommended either. Natural fragrance options were highlighted as a safer choice compared to synthetic scents. Coconut, soy and beeswax varieties posed relatively lower risks than paraffin candles according to Dr. Kandula.

For those still looking to incorporate some fragrance indoors, using pure essential oils was suggested. Maintaining caution, especially around children and pets, was also stressed. Overall, moderating frequency to no more than a few times weekly was the key recommendation to reduce potential harmful exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals from scented candles. Non-toxic plant wax and essential oil combinations can provide pleasing atmospheres without posing serious health concerns.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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