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TechnologyRumoured AI upgrades to transform iPhone experience in iOS 18

Rumoured AI upgrades to transform iPhone experience in iOS 18


Apple's annual developer conference is approaching, and rumours indicate the next iteration of iOS will bring transformative artificial intelligence capabilities to the iPhone. Various AI-powered features are speculated for iOS 18 that could greatly enhance user experience by leveraging on-device machine learning.

Key anticipated upgrades include an automated voice memo transcription tool and a smarter virtual assistant. The voice recording app may gain the ability to convert audio to text using advanced speech recognition . Meanwhile, Siri is rumoured to see significant improvements to deliver more natural conversations and handle more nuanced tasks through generative AI models.

Other speculated additions are custom emoji creation directly from conversations and personalized AI summaries of missed notifications, messages, articles and documents. Core apps like and Notes may also integrate intelligent tools to enhance functionality.

A redesigned home screen with improved customization is also on the cards to provide users more flexibility in organizing icons. Apple's emphasis on privacy means new AI features will likely leverage on-device processing rather than cloud-based approaches utilized by competitors.

However, cutting-edge capabilities may initially launch as “beta previews” to ensure high quality. Device compatibility is also expected to prioritize the latest iPhone generations. Apple is believed to provide deeper insights into its AI ambitions at WWDC scheduled next month. The event presents an opportunity to showcase transformative technologies that optimize the iPhone as an AI powerhouse for the future.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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