It has been over 3 years since the tragic demise of acclaimed Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput. His former partner, actress Rhea Chakraborty has faced immense scrutiny in the aftermath from sections of the press as well as online trolls. In a recent thoughtful discussion, the talented performer opened up about navigating through such challenging times.
While the actress admitted the ordeal initially stirred feelings of anger within her, with time she realized holding onto resentment was harming her well-being. Forgiveness became the healthier approach for her mental peace despite wanting justice for the wrongs. However, she maintains some critics are still on her list should a level-playing field ever be established to properly address the situation.
On a positive note, Chakraborty shared how she has learned to not let trolling affect her self-worth anymore. With increasing social media presense globally, public figures often face uncivil behavior but she chooses to see it as a means to engage audiences. The versatile actress also voiced her independent views on marriage and not wanting to define herself through relationships with others.
Through her courage to openly reflect on a difficult personal chapter, Rhea Chakraborty establishes herself as a role model for resilience. It will be interesting to see how her talents continue to touch more lives in the future through diverse creative projects.