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    The Ukraine war is taking a turn after seven and a half months which is worrying strategic experts and militaries in Europe in new
    If initially the worry was about an outright defeat of Ukraine and presence of Russia in eastern parts in a more aggressive
    posture, the prospect of an outright Russian defeat is looking even more threatening.
    A huge explosion on a bridge offering the only life line for Russian armies in Crimea has severely jolted the Russian
    dispensation. The bridge has been so badly damaged that rail movement on it has been stalled. The bridge provided the basic
    supplies to the Russian army in occupied Crimea.
    As if to rub the salt into the wound, the Ukrainians are now going to town, announcing release of a postage stamp
    commemorating the destruction of the bridge. The head of Ukraine Post has announced the release of the postage stamp
    along with a first-day cover.

    Such news of open defeat and defiance could no longer be hidden from the Russian public and this is damage whatever
    credibility that Kremlin still had with its people, reports indicate.
    NATO, the umbrella organisation of the western alliance, is seriously worrying about a tactical nuclear weapon use
    by a cornered Russia under its President Vladimir Putin. All the efforts of the Russians on ground have come to a nought
    before the coordinated effort of the Ukrainians.
    As if to forestall any such disastrous move by the Russian president and to warn Russian leadership about the costs of any
    of Putin's drastic moves, US president, Joe Biden, had articulated about the consequences for Russia of any nuclear move. In
    fact, Biden's open threat of counter offensive has surprised even US officials of his administration.
    Domestic troubles are also mounting for Putin, with opposition to his war plans are getting louder and vociferous. Even those
    people aligned with Putin are now shouting about the failures and total discomfiture of Russia before the global audience.
    Sources fear that if the domestic situation gets hotter for Putin, he would be driven to extremes for his survival. Some of the
    military experts are fearing that Putin has become imbalanced in a practical way and adopting ever more desperate steps.
    His mobilisation effort is becoming a sort of boomerang for his dispensation as scores of younger Russians are defying the
    effort to conscript and sending them to the war field. These segments of society are leaving the country in droves.
    Those who have been however drafted are facing serious shortages in facilities, let alone training and equipment. The
    western media is reporting that even as the water is approaching, these recruits have not been given even beds for their night
    stays and are forced to sleep on yoga mats.
    Besides, the infamous private army of Russia, which had played critical roles in Syria and other countries where Russia had
    undertaken military roles, are turning against Putin's regime. Wagner leaders are complaining that the Russian operations in
    Ukraine were total uncoordinated and therefore it was difficult for them to make any meaningful interventions.
    Wagner's chief in Moscow is in a grumpy mood and showing signs of giving up its interventionist role in Ukraine. On the
    other hand, the Central Asian satellite nations which had supported Russia in many such operations, are saying that he Putin
    regime is avoiding drafting white Russians and using their people to do the dirty .
    Besides, their numbers are being used as canon fodder and are perishing in the Ukrainian offensives. Devoid of proper
    weapons and training, these drafted soldiers are simply not equipped in facing the agile and expert military operations of
    As these failures are mounting and the reports are reaching the Russian public, the tide is turning fast against Putin. His ever
    so carefully nurtured macho image has been dented and it no longer holds. Thus, Putin is facing a severe domestic threat.
    In the face of this, NATO sources had confirmed their worst fears about Putin and his next moves. A nuclear intervention
    would surely isolate Russia from the global orders and even alienate its firm ally till now China. For President Putin, the
    survival with honour intact , is at stake..

    (IPA Service)

    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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