Actress Mrunal Thakur recently found herself in an awkward position after an Instagram account resurfaced her past remarks about cricketer Virat Kohli. The page had posted highlighting the star's previous statements where she jokingly hinted being infatuated with the sports star years ago during a film promotion. However, upon seeing the unnecessary attention, Thakur voiced her discomfort.
While promoting her 2022 sports drama ‘Jersey', Thakur had opened up about developing an interest in cricket through her brother. She humorously implied having a crush on Kohli during that phase. However, a profile recently shared this snippet without context. Many engaged in the debate online but the actress herself intervened. Addressing the page directly, she politely asked them to stop sharing the outdated conversation.
The request sparked a discussion among social media users. Some felt her reply suggested embarrassment over words spoken casually in the past. Others opined it seemed like a friendly dismissal of unnecessary rumbling. Either way, Thakur made her stance clear that reviving such casual comments serves no purpose currently.
Upcoming projects keep the star occupied presently. Her followers hope to see her strong performances shine through in the ambitious period film ‘Kalki 2898 AD' and the action entertainer ‘Sita Ramam'. With her talents and commitment to meaningful roles, Thakur aims to focus discussions on her dynamic career graph.