Sunderbani, Sept 1: The residents of Sunderbani have voiced their resentment against the local Block Medical Officer (BMO) after he ordered the removal of private vehicles from the parking area of the Sub District Hospital, Sunderbani.
The controversy, which stems from the BMO's directive to clear the parking lot, has sparked protests from the community, many of whom had previously supported the posting of the local BMO.
Sources indicated that the private parking space was originally established with the administration's approval, but the management of the lot became contentious when a local leader allegedly influenced the BMO's decision.
“The issue gained public attention after media outlets covered the story, prompting swift action by the BMO, who called in the Jammu and Kashmir Police (JKP) to clear the area,” sources revealed. However, the BMO's move has not been well-received by all.
Some locals expressed frustration, questioning why the action was taken only after the media coverage and why the vehicles belonging to private businessmen and shopkeepers had not been removed earlier.
The incident has also raised concerns about the role of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Rajouri, with some questioning why there had been no earlier intervention to resolve the matter.
Critics argued that the situation reflects a lack of proactive governance and have raised suspicions about the motives behind the BMO's decision. They also pointed to possible other irregularities within the hospital that have yet to be addressed.
The BMO has since clarified that only hospital staff vehicles will be allowed to park within the premises, a decision that is expected to be closely monitored by the community.