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JammuKPs turn out in large numbers in Jammu

KPs turn out in large numbers in Jammu


Tawi, May 13: As the polling for Srinagar Parliamentary constituency began today, Kashmiri Pandit voters are exercising their franchise in 23 polling stations established in different areas of Jammu district.

Polling began at 7 am and first voters were welcomed by polling staff with flowers. Since morning, people have been coming in good numbers to cast their votes.

The electoral authorities conducted a final revision of electoral rolls, which resulted in the addition of supplementary Kashmiri Pandit voters.

According to the latest information, a total of 16,338 Kashmiri Pandit voters are eligible to cast their votes in Jammu, comprising 9,202 male voters and 7,136 female voters.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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