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SportsIndia's scientific sleep plan for Paris 2024 Olympic success

India’s scientific sleep plan for Paris 2024 Olympic success


A Good Night's Sleep is Crucial for Paris Success

With the Paris Olympics only a few months away, the Indian contingent is leaving no stone unturned in their preparations. For the first time ever, they will have an expert sleep advisor accompanying them to help optimize their sleep schedules. Dr. Monika Sharma, an experienced sleep consultant, will analyze the challenges athletes face in sleeping well during such a high-pressure event and design customized strategies.

Getting adequate, restorative sleep is crucial for peak performance according to studies. Everything from reaction times to strength and endurance can improve with proper sleep. However, factors like jet lag, stress, and the lively atmosphere in the Olympic Village can disrupt rhythms. Dr. Sharma has already begun meeting athletes worldwide to understand individual needs. She plans to educate them on sleep importance and possible obstacles in Paris like heat.

Innovative solutions like temporary sleeping pods and travel kits are also being provided. Athletes will be able to take short naps to supplement any compromised sleep. This scientific approach aims to give 's athletes an edge by removing elements of luck and unpredictability tied to poor sleep. Past Olympic gold medalist Neeraj Chopra has struggled with insomnia before major events due to various distractions. The advisor and new facilities should help our representatives maximize recovery and energize focused efforts on the field.

A good night's rest could boost metrics like reaction times by over 10% according to . While skills are high level, marginal gains through optimized rest may provide just the boost needed for top performances. India is leaving no stone unturned in chasing Paris gold through strategic sleep management.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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