The remote village of Samej in Himachal Pradesh's Rampur district was hit hard by a deadly cloudburst earlier this month. In the aftermath of the devastating flash flooding and landslides, transportation links have been cut off, hampering relief efforts. However, help is on the way with the announcement of an expedited bridge building project.
Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department Minister Vikramaditya Singh visited the affected area this weekend to inspect the damage firsthand and offer support. During meetings with local residents, he learned that reconnecting the community is a top priority. In response, the minister revealed that two temporary bailey bridges will be erected across flooded zones. Equipment has already been ordered to facilitate swift construction within the coming days.
The temporary crossings will provide a crucial lifeline until more permanent infrastructure can be repaired or replaced. Additional machinery is also being mobilized to accelerate search and rescue operations for any missing individuals. The minister reinforced the state government's commitment to aiding those impacted by the natural disaster through all available means.
Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has likewise pledged ?50,000 in immediate relief funds for each affected family, as well as rental subsidies. He has further urged the central government to allocate generous financial assistance for Himachal Pradesh's disaster management capabilities. Rebuilding efforts are now in full swing, with the installation of new bridges set to restore critical transport links and boost recovery in one of the region's most isolated areas.