The idyllic surroundings of Prashar Lake in Himachal Pradesh's Mandi district are under threat from an increasing risk of landslides, according to reports from residents in nearby villages. The scenic area, renowned for its natural beauty and spiritual significance, has reportedly been experiencing noticeable signs of terrain instability – including visible cracks in the soil and ground movement – particularly after heavy rain periods.
Four villages located downstream from the lake are said to now be vulnerable if landslides were to occur. Local leaders, including the vice pradhan of Segli gram panchayat, highlight how approximately 1,600 trees have already slid from parts of the landscape just 500 meters from the lake's shoreline. There are grave concerns that if unrest in the terrain persists, it could potentially trigger larger sliding events capable of damaging key infrastructure and endangering lives in the communities.
Last year's flash flooding in the Bagi Nullah stream, believed to have been exacerbated by landslides, destroyed around 40 hectares of farmland and washed away some homes according to reports. Locals note how the sole access road to Prashar Lake from the nearby town of Jawalapur has also partially collapsed recently due to instability in the terrain.
Environmental experts cite factors like deforestation as possibly contributing to the rise in landslide risks. Any major sliding episodes could severely degrade water quality in Prashar Lake and disrupt the local habitat, which is an important tourism site and refuge for diverse fauna. Residents and activists are urging state authorities to launch a full investigation into the situation and implement protective measures before permanent damage is done to the landscape and livelihoods dependent on it. The ongoing monsoon season is expected to see continued calls for swift government intervention to assess risks and prevent possible disasters in the Prashar Lake area.