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InternationalG7 pledges increased military backing for Ukraine amid fears of renewed escalation...

G7 pledges increased military backing for Ukraine amid fears of renewed escalation with Russia


G7 Nations rally behind Ukraine in potential escalating conflict with Russia

As the war in Ukraine with Russia continues, Western allies have stepped up their military support for Kyiv, raising fears of a potential escalation in hostilities. Leaders from the Group of Seven (G7) major industrialised nations held an emergency meeting recently and pledged further backing for Ukraine to defend itself.

The G7 consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together they make up around half of the global . At the summit, the leaders condemned Moscow's invasion and discussed providing more weapons for Ukrainian forces battling invading Russian troops. The G7 announced plans to enhance military equipment deliveries aimed at bolstering Ukraine's defences.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky attended the virtual talks and called for increased assistance to help withstand the ongoing Russian assault. He specifically appealed for anti-aircraft systems to protect civilians from indiscriminate bombing of cities. In response, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson affirmed their commitment to ensuring President Zelensky has the military support necessary. Other G7 nations are also thought to be actively considering additional hardware supplies in the coming weeks.

While no country wants a direct military confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia, the G7 made it clear that Western powers will not stay neutral in the face of unprovoked aggression. observers worry that enhanced arms shipments from allies to Ukraine risk further inflaming tensions with Moscow. With no solution in sight to end the months-long conflict, analysts warn the situation could potentially escalate once more unless a diplomatic solution is found.

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