The political temperature has been soaring high in Haryana with the Olympian wrestler Vinesh Phogat reaching Delhi from Paris. She was flanked by fellow wrestlers, including Bajrang Punia, Sakshee Malik, and Congress MP Deepender Hooda. Hooda led a massive roadshow from the New Delhi airport to Haryana to welcome Olympian Vinesh Phogat. The move is part of a larger strategy the Congress has zeroed in on to corner the BJP ahead of the October 1 assembly elections in Haryana. Earlier, leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Vadra, and various Haryana Congress leaders demanded justice for Phogat. By highlighting the issue, Congress aspires to consolidate the Jats and women vote bank in Haryana. The Congress is also likely to target the BJP on is the farmers' demand for a legal guarantee on Minimum Support Price (MSP). Even as the state government recently announced the procurement of all 24 crops on MSP. Meanwhile, the Haryana Government has announced that Vinesh Phogat shall be treated like an Olympic silver medallist even though the Court of Arbitration for Sport dismissed her appeal for a joint-silver medal in the 50-kg freestyle wrestling category of the Paris Olympics.
EyeonHaryana Assembly Polls, Congress raises Phogat issue