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Degeneration of medical profession

A spectacle this scribe had recently witnessed in a chamber of a practising doctor of Jammu was intriguing when a representative of a diagnostic...
BJP Congress trade fireworks over Army Chiefs remarks

Acerbic campaign

Both the main political parties- BJP and Congress have thrown all their resources to win the election in Gujrat.  Even as the campaign dust...
Supreme Court

SC on course correction

The Supreme Court seems to be on a course to correct outmoded or misogynistic societal laws. A few weeks ago, the court had dealt...
First Q growth is still illusory!

Expedite please !

Tuesday last, an attempt was pushed by the counsels representing minority bodies in a long pending appeal in Ayodhya case to entangle the judicial...
Can Rahul Gandhi be the Justin Trudeau of India

Dynastic control continues

The dynasty’s juggernaut rolls on unopposed in the Congress. The Crown Prince of the Nehru-Gandhi fiefdom, Rahul Gandhi, is all set to take over...
A ray of hope

A ray of hope

The country and its economy today stand at the crossroads amidst many speculations. The future is vital and this is no time to swing...
India net neutrality rules could be worlds strongest

Net escapes onslaught

The tremendous pressures and pulls so far built up within India and most parts of the world to bring the internet within some regulations...
First Q growth is still illusory!

Childhood in danger

It has been a bad time throughout for the childhood. This year, like never before, we have witnessed the vanishing sanctity of schools as...
Logjam in LS over demonetisation debate continues

Winter session will generate heat!

After much hue and cry by the Opposition mainly Congress for convening special session of the Parliament to take on affront the Modi government...

Conscienceless Hospitals

We often come across the news of unethical and blackmailing practices being indulged into by the private hospitals in the country and particularly in...