Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who is expecting her first child with husband Ranveer Singh, recently shared breathtaking photos from a maternity photoshoot. Shot in classic black and white, the intimate images feature the beloved celebrity pair in loving embraces as Deepika proudly shows off her baby bump.
In the photos styled by Priyanka Kapadia, Deepika stuns in a striking sheer black Sabyasachi ensemble. The delicate embellished garment highlights her pregnancy radiance. Meanwhile Ranveer keeps it casual yet stylish in a sweater. The duo beam with joy in the intimate portraits, capturing their anticipation of parenthood.
Since being posted online, the portraits have taken social media by storm, garnering thousands of likes and comments praising the parents-to-be. Fans worldwide have been captivated by Deepika's ethereal beauty and the couple's beaming smiles, sending them blessings for this new chapter. The photos offer a rare glimpse into Deepika's pregnancy journey and celebration of motherhood.
From delicate makeup to loose curls and glowing skin, Deepika exudes confidence and sensuality throughout the shoot. Her Sabyasachi outfit in particular pays tribute to feminine beauty and strength. The beloved actress continues to inspire with her fashion statements even while expecting. These breathtaking images highlight Deepika's dedication to her craft and ability to empower other mothers-to-be.