Heavy rain over the weekend caused rivulets running through Haroli region of Himachal Pradesh to overflow, damaging homes and businesses according to local officials. Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri visited the affected areas of Bathu and Bathari villages on Monday to assess the extent of the losses.
The swollen tributaries of the Swan river broke their banks, inundating nearby structures including a petrol pump and several industrial units. Agnihotri noted that the natural flow of one rivulet appeared to have been altered, potentially contributing to the destruction. He has directed the District Collector to launch a full inquiry into any changes made to the water channels and submit a report.
Power outages were also widespread after an estimated 150 electricity transformers were destroyed in the Haroli constituency alone. This left around 25% of the area without power. Officials from the Electricity Board have been tasked with replacing poles, wires and devices to restore supply within two days.
The Deputy CM expressed his condolences for the 14 lives lost during the flash flooding incident. This included 11 people traveling by vehicle from Dehlan and Bhatoli villages who were swept into a river in neighboring Punjab state. Three migrant workers, including two women, also perished when swept away at an industrial unit in Bathu village, along with a child. Agnihotri said the government will contact authorities in Punjab to construct a bridge over the culvert where the vehicle crossed as a preventive measure.
Damage assessments are ongoing but immediate assistance will be provided to rebuild damaged public infrastructure and support affected families and businesses recover, according to statements made. The exact causes behind the worsened flooding impact are now under official scrutiny.