The latest blockbuster from Kollywood megastar Vijay titled GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) turned many heads with its high-octane action sequences and powerful storyline. Directed by renowned filmmaker Venkat Prabhu, GOAT struck the right chord with audiences and emerged as a massive box office success. However, many were left wondering about the ambiguous ending and whether there could be more adventures awaiting the legendary character of Gandhi.
In a surprising move during the credits of GOAT, Venkat Prabhu teased fans with possibilities of a sequel. Without divulging much, the director hinted that the main villain's story may not have reached its conclusion yet. For those who saw the film, it is well known that Gandhi locks horns with Jeevan, the son he never knew existed. Their climactic rooftop battle comes to a massive end with Gandhi emerging victorious. Or so it seemed!
In a post-credits scene, Venkat Prabhu unveiled a shockingly intriguing idea. It is revealed that the Jeevan who confronted Gandhi was actually a clone created through experimental technology. And more clones may already be in the making! While this certainly leaves the door open for more installments, only time will tell if the massively successful combo of Vijay and Venkat Prabhu will reunite for another action extravaganza.
For now, fans can only speculate on the myriad possibilities of the “GOAT vs OG” concept. One thing is for sure – if such a sequel does materialize, it will be one of the most anticipated films nationwide. With Vijay hanging up his actor hat, perhaps this could also be a way for him to treat his legions of followers to another unforgettable on-screen spectacle. Only the future holds answers to the highly debated fates of Gandhi and his diabolical doppelgangers.