Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, recently visited various locations in the Dehra Assembly constituency to review sites proposed for upcoming government offices and inspect ongoing development initiatives. During the tour, he directed district administration to expedite identification of suitable land for constructing a new Superintendent of Police office and other offices geared towards better serving citizens of Dehra.
Key sites inspected included the construction sites of Dehra's new fire station, SDM office, hospital, sericulture office and government schools for boys and girls. Sukhu took time to interact with students and encouraged them to remain informed on current affairs at national and state levels. He emphasized the need to improve educational standards across the state so youth are well-equipped for future challenges. To this end, he announced Rs. 7 crore allocation for a new building for Dehra College.
Boosting tourism in Dehra and nearby areas was another priority highlighted. Sukhu proposed a ‘Dehra Utsav' cultural festival by year's end to showcase local heritage and attract more visitors. Laying underground power cables in Dehra and the popular religious site of Jwalamukhi was one directive aimed at developing tourist infrastructure.
At a review meeting with district officers, the Chief Minister instructed exploring opportunities for Central University campus expansion, an international zoo, road connectivity upgrades and drinking water schemes across rural Dehra villages. New bus stands, an integrated sports complex and possible security force offices were also discussed to strengthen civic amenities and engagement of youth. The government is committed to timely completion of projects to improve livelihoods in the constituency.