Food enthusiasts everywhere were surprised to learn the story behind celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor taking over judging duties on the popular cooking reality show Masterchef India. According to Kapoor, he was originally approached to co-judge the first season alongside Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar. However, things did not go exactly as planned.
In a recent interview, Kapoor revealed that when producers informed him of their desire to have both him and Kumar judge the debut season, he had one condition – he wanted to be paid just one rupee more than the actor's fee. This minor request seemed to catch the producers off guard. Kapoor says they opted to replace him rather than match his salary term. Akshay Kumar went on to judge the first two seasons with other chefs.
A few years later, producers reconnected with Kapoor about joining the panel of judges for season three. This time around, he was able to negotiate his terms and finally took over as head judge. The celebrated chef believes the initial disagreement ultimately worked out for the best.
While the reasoning behind Kapoor's initial demand remains unclear, it highlights the unpredictable dynamics that can arise behind the scenes of popular television shows. Fans of the competition series are simply glad to have such a respected chef and author at the helm, guiding aspiring home cooks towards culinary success. Kapoor's perspective offers a unique look into negotiating in high-profile creative fields.