Ahead of assembly by-polls in ten seats in Uttar Pradesh, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) marched the streets in support of the Bharat Bandh on the reservation issue. BSP supremo Mayawati is trying to revive the basics and redraw the party's bahujan strategy. She has lumped the entire opposition in the same bracket, saying that people are annoyed with the conspiracies of the SP, Congress and BJP which are trying to make reservation ineffective and ultimately to end it. BSP has decided to go solo in the by-polls and is trying to consolidate the nearly 21 per cent Dalit vote, 12 per cent of this being Jatav, which is Mayawati's caste. By winning seats in the assembly by-polls, the BSP aims to mark a comeback in state politics.
BSP rallies behind Bharat Bandh, braces for UP by-polls