The veteran BJP leader Advocate Chander Mohan Sharma today resigned from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and announced his decision to contest the upcoming Assembly election as Independent candidate from Jammu East seat. A large number of party leaders and district president of BJP Yuva Morcha Kanav Sharma also resigned in protest against BJP's policy of ignoring the loyal and dedicated party activist.
In well attended press conference, Chander Mohan Sharma has accused the J&K BJP leadership of total disconnect with the party cadre and people at grass root level and has miserably failed to project the issues related to Jammu's economic and political interests despite have power to do those at state and centre's level.
Sharma accused the J&K BJP of ignoring the dedicated party workers and leader while recommending for the assembly tickets in J&K giving preference to turn-coats and outsiders. He said the use of money was not ruled out as compelling consideration…… More details to follow