The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has selected Ram Madhav, a senior leader with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), to spearhead its campaign for the Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections. Madhav will serve as the BJP's in-charge for overseeing election preparations and strategy in the region. Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy will assist him as a co-incharge.
This appointment of Madhav marks the RSS's increased involvement in guiding the BJP ahead of the polls in J&K, which will be the first assembly elections held since the region's reorganization as a Union Territory in 2019. Madhav previously served as BJP's General Secretary responsible for J&K until 2020, and played an instrumental role in forming the short-lived BJP-PDP alliance government in the erstwhile state.
With his deep roots in the RSS and familiarity with the political landscape of J&K, Madhav is seen as best equipped to devise the party's path to electoral victories across the UT. Under his leadership, the BJP will focus on highlighting issues like development, governance reforms, and strengthening national unity. Kishan Reddy's support also brings added organizational heft from another region.