The picturesque town of Baba Bakala in Punjab played host to the annual Rakhar Punia Mela and Sacha Guru Ladho Re Diwas celebrations this week. The major Sikh religious festival, which commemorates the martyrdom of Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh, provided an opportunity for the various political outfits in the state to connect with voters.
While the traditional major parties like SAD and Congress held events, it was the Aam Aadmi Party and supporters of imprisoned Khadoor Sahib MP Amritpal Singh that dominated proceedings. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann's lively address saw him take credit for new initiatives to empower women and attack opponents for failing to address Punjab-centric issues. Representatives of the jailed parliamentarian stressed the need to secure his release and prevent further sacrilege incidents.
SAD president Sukhbir Badal criticized the ruling AAP government's track record on several fronts including tackling sacrilege cases and farmer debt relief. He asserted that development under Parkash Singh Badal's leadership was unparalleled. The festival therefore showcased the emergence of new political forces seeking to shape the future direction of Punjab and connect with the religious sensitivities of the local population. With major elections still some time away, the power play at Rakhar Punia Mela hints at an intriguing political scenario developing in the northern state.