Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma opened up recently about how becoming a mother to daughter Vamika transformed her daily routine. Speaking at an event in Mumbai, the Zero star shared that putting Vamika to bed early led her to realize the benefits of waking up early.
Sharma explained that when Vamika was an infant, she would feed her dinner around 5:30 pm since the little one needed to eat early. As the actress was usually home alone with her daughter during that time, she decided it made sense for her to rest too rather than stay up late. Over time, she noticed feeling more refreshed upon waking after getting sufficient sleep each night.
The busy mother of two acknowledged how fortunate parents today are with the wealth of parenting resources online. However, she values the disciplined lifestyle her conservative upbringing provided. Sharma tries instilling these lessons of structure, routine and gratitude in Vamika and son Akaay.
Since adjusting her schedule for breastfeeding Vamika years ago, early nights have become a habit for the entire Kohli family. Sharma laughed mentioning how her and husband Virat's cooking duties are sometimes done in a hurry due to their daily bedtime. Though it began as a temporary solution, prioritizing rest proved highly beneficial for the famous actress.