New Delhi: Ambrane, a leading Indian consumer electronics and mobile accessory brand, has launched its latest charging solution, the ‘PowerLit 30' power bank. Featuring a robust 10,000mAh capacity and multiple charging ports, including Type-C and USB-A, this power bank ensures rapid charging for various devices, including being an emergency power saver for laptops. The power bank's launch price is Rs. 1999/- and is available for purchase on Amazon, Flipkart and Ambrane's website.
The PowerLit 30 boasts a premium metallic design, offering a sleek and modern look. Its compact design allows it to easily slip into any pocket while delivering enough power to charge even a MacBook Air. With 30W fast-charging capabilities, this power bank is perfect for powering phones, Type-C laptops, and more, wherever you need it. Despite its powerful performance, the PowerLit 30 remains lightweight, weighing just 190 grams.
With PowerLit 30, power up an iPhone 15 to 57% in just 30 minutes or a MacBook Air to 50% in just 30 minutes with PowerLit 30's 30W BoostedSpeed™, ensuring quick and efficient charging for your devices. The power bank is equipped with both Type-C and USB-A output ports and supports Power Delivery, Quick Charge 3.0, VOOC, PPS, DASH, and WARP protocols for fast and efficient charging. Five LED indicators provide real-time battery status, keeping you informed at all times.Ambrane has received an overwhelmingly positive response to its AeroSync products, particularly during Amazon's Prime Days. The launch of the PowerLit 30 further solidifies Ambrane's position as a disruptor in the charging portfolio.