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IndiaEx-Union minister from Leh tests Covid positive after death

Ex-Union minister from Leh tests Covid positive after death


Ex-Union minister from tests Covid positive after death

Tasaduq Hussain

Leh, June 02: 

Former union minister Phunsog Namgyal who passed away on Monday tested positive for novel coronavirus after his death after which administration in has advised people, who visited ailing Namgyal, to go for home-quarantine without any delay.

Officials told news agency that the test result of former union ministers came positive on Monday after his death. Earlier, he was under home quarantine after returning from outside the UT.

Officials said that after developing some serious complications under home quarantine, he was moved to  Sonam Norboo Memorial Hospital (SNM) Leh, where he breathed last on Sunday.

Test result of deceased was received on Monday that came positive for novel coronavirus immediately after which local administration started contact tracing of people who visited his home on Monday, the official said.

He said the administration has also advised people who visited departed leaders home to go for home quarantine. The official furthermore said that the total number of positive cases in entire union territory of Ladakh has gone up to 81 of which 33 belong to Leh and 47 from while as only one Covid patient has died so far.

Meanwhile Lt. Governor, Ladakh has condoled the demise of former union minister. “His demise  has left a huge void in the Ladakh society, his contribution in the development of the region will always be remembered”, he said.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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