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Jammu KashmirFor Apni Party every worker is valued, respected: Bukhari

For Apni Party every worker is valued, respected: Bukhari


Srinagar, May 1: Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari on Wednesday said that his party will ensure a future where every worker is valued, respected and empowered in  and .

Paying tribute to the labour class of society on the labour day today, Bukhari stated that this inseparable segment of the society has contributed its blood and sweat to the region's development.

He said that the Apni Party is committed to ensuring that the labour class receives its rightful rights.

Bukhari said, “May Day provides us with an opportunity to renew our commitment to securing rights for the labour class -an inseparable segment of our society”.

He said the Apni Party possesses both the vision and the will to uplift the labour force.

“Once our party receives a public mandate to serve, we will ensure better working conditions, job security, insurance, and more for these hardworking individuals”, he said and added “we stand for the rights and dignity of the labour class, and we pledge to create a future where every worker is valued, respected, and empowered.”

The Apni Party's Government will implement required measures and welfare programs aimed at protecting the rights and improving the lives and livelihood of working-class people in  Jammu and Kashmir, he added.

Meanwhile, hundreds of workers carrying red flags and banners assembled at Sheri Kashmir Park in Srinagar to mark the Labour Day.

Organised by Centre of Indian Trade Unions ( CITU), the rally was attended by the scheme workers, daily wagers and contractuals, seasonal, labourers associated with Kashmir Constructional Workers Union.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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