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JammuTorque Pharmaceuticals launches a stirring campaign to celebrate World Pharmacist Day

Torque Pharmaceuticals launches a stirring campaign to celebrate World Pharmacist Day


Tawi: Torque Pharmaceuticals, a prominent player in the pharmaceutical sector, has revealed a heartwarming cinematic creation in honor of Pharmacist's Day on September 25, 2023. This film artfully portrays the compassion and dedication demonstrated by pharmacists, showcasing their willingness to go the extra mile in caring for their customers. Aligned with the company's fundamental values of backing pharmacists, this initiative seeks to pay tribute to and celebrate these healthcare heroes—our pharmacists. Commenting on the digital film launch, Abhay Iqbal Singh Bedi, Director Torque Pharmaceuticals said, “On World Pharmacist Day, we pay tribute to the compassionate unsung champions of healing. This film beautifully encapsulates the profound connection of empathy and gratitude shared between a pharmacist and a customer. Through this cinematic endeavor, we aspire to raise awareness and champion the pivotal role of pharmacists in enhancing global healthcare, aligning with this year's theme: ‘Pharmacists fortifying the foundations of systems.'Created and conceptualised by Torque Pharma, this campaign kickstarted today with a digital film.

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