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JammuG20 highlights J&K's development trajectory: MoS Bhatt

G20 highlights J&K’s development trajectory: MoS Bhatt


Tawi, June 13: Minister of State (Defence) Ajay Bhatt on Tuesday said that has showcased that Jammu and Kashmir is on a path of development.

“This government has a zero-tolerance policy towards terrorism. Everyone knows how the government has been working. In Jammu and Kashmir as well, the government has been working for development,” he said.

Taking a dig at the opposition, Ajay Bhatt said the Modi government has proven everyone wrong by peacefully organising the G20 event in the state.

“When Article 370 was abrogated and many in the opposition said that there will be rivers of blood. However, nothing of that sort was seen in Jammu and Kashmir. The state is on the path of development now. Now race is to excel in everything. The G20 event hosted here has shown the change. The myth has been busted and Jammu and Kashmir is moving forward,” he said.

During the G20 event last month, Minister of Culture, and the Development of the North Eastern Region G Kishan Reddy said that the Tourism Ministry is keen to work with G20 nations to promote sustainable tourism in India and around the world.

While speaking at the inaugural session of the ‘3rd Tourism Working Group Meeting' at Sher-i-Kashmir Conference Centre (SKICC), G Kishan Reddy said, “Significant progress has been made in the five key priority areas under the ‘3rd Tourism Working Group Meeting' namely Green Tourism, Digitalization, Skills, MSMEs and Destination Management.”

“These priorities are key building blocks for accelerating the transition of the tourism sector and achieving the targets for 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” he added. The Minister also said that the Tourism Working Group is progressing in the right direction.

“Tourism Working Group is progressing in the right direction and the joint effort of G20 nations, international organisations and invited countries will result in the achievement of inclusive and action-oriented decisive guidelines for the tourism industry,” he said.

At the event, G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant said that commendable progress has been made in the five key priority areas under the ‘3rd Tourism Working Group Meeting' under Green Tourism, Digitalization, Skills, MSMEs and Destination Management.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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