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Jammu KashmirInfiltration bid foiled in Uri

Infiltration bid foiled in Uri


Failed infiltration bid in Uri Pakistan's ‘desperate' attempt to disrupt in : Army

Waris Fayaz

Baramulla, May 13 (KNO): A junior commissioned officer of the Army was injured as infiltration bide was foiled along the Line of Control in Uri Sector of north Kashmir's Baramulla district on Saturday.

An official told news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) the Army foiled an infiltration bid along the Line of Control in Gowhalla Sector in Uri today early morning.

He said that during the exchange of fire between militants and the Army a junior commissioned officer (JCO) was also injured. “During the exchange of fire Pakistan side also tried to fly quadcopter but the alert troops fired at it and pushed it back,” he said.

The injured JCO has been evacuated to 92 base hospital in Srinagar, where his condition is said to be stable, he said.

The official said that a massive search operation is underway in the area. The Army on Saturday said that failed infiltration bid by terrorists is another attempt by Pakistan to disrupt the G20 Summit and create disturbance in the Valley.

In a statement, issued to KNO, the Srinagar based spokesperson said an infiltration bid by terrorist across the Line of Control in Uri Sector of and Kashmir was foiled by the Army early morning today.

He said that a group of armed terrorists, while attempting to cross the Line of Control, were engaged in an exchange of fire with the alert troops resulting in a failed attempt to intrude into Kashmir Valley.

“A quadcopter flown by the Pakistan Army to aid the terrorists was also spotted across the Line of Control, and was fired at, forcing it to withdraw,” he said.

He said that this desperate action by the terrorists, duly abetted by Pakistan Army, is yet another failed attempt to disrupt the G20 Summit and create disturbance in the Valley.

The spokesperson said that extensive search operations are underway in the densely forested area—(KNO)


The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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