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OpinionsSleeping disorder in male linked to fertility issues

Sleeping disorder in male linked to fertility issues



It has been widely known that sleeping at right time and for right duration has numerous benefits. Alongside the big difference that it makes to one's
physical , the growing evidence shows that it affects sexual health too. Sleeping too little or too much has a drastic impact on a man's ability to
impregnate their partner. The adequate duration of rest is 7-8 hours and if the duration is less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours per night, the
probability of making the partner conceive reduces.
In any given month, probability of conception has a 42% reduction if men slept less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours per night.
Why does less sleep cause infertility?
Sleep seems to have an impact on male fertility and snoring may be the first sign. If a person has a disturbed sleep, he is twice likely to get his sperm
count reduced by upto 30% in comparison to those who have a sound sleep. Testosterone is a male hormone that is crucial for reproduction and the
majority of daily testosterone release in men occurs during sleep. Total time of sleep has thus been certainly linked with levels of testosterone in the
body. Those who suffer disturbed sleep with less than six hours a night also had lower sperm quality. Poor sleep interferes with the body's ability to
produce sperm.
What are the early symptoms?
Infertility among men is becoming a widespread problem. Snoring most nights and feeling excessively sleepy during the day are classic signs of
obstructivesleep apnea (OSA). Snoring affects men more than women and occurrence is almost twice that for women. It occurs when the soft tissue in
your nose and throat vibrates when you sleep. Being overweight, drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking and allergies can trigger it further. Apnea means that
the person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more at a time, several times a night. Over a period of time, this can lead to heart problems and even
What are the consequences?
Research was done at the University of California, San Francisco to analyze the sleeping disorders that lead to infertility. Men having sleep disorders were
analyzed for over 5 years to conclude that there was a significant decline in the sperm quality and concentration. During the research, an alarming 33%
decrease was observed in the sperm concentration and many studies performed worldwide have also revealed similar results. One of the probable reasons
for the sperm crisis was attributable to oxygen deprivation. Apart from age and other medical conditions, participants with sleep disorders were found to be
at 3 times the risk of infertility as compared to their counterparts. The study was published in the research journal sleep. Men with sleep disorders were also
more likely to have a variety of chronic health problems, including high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, lung disorders and kidney issues. With sleep
disorders, participants were also more likely to have thyroid issues, depression and anxiety.
A man's fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperms. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor
quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy.
Out of all the infertile couples, the problem lies solely in the male partner in 20% cases and 5% of them have some kind of fertility problem with low
numbers of sperm in his ejaculate. However, only 1% suffer from azoospermia – no sperm in his ejaculate.
Male infertility is usually caused by problems that affect either sperm production or sperm transport. Poor sleep for more than 3 weeks may cause
lower sperm count, deformity in shape and decreased ability to move ahead. Either low numbers of sperm are made or the sperm that are made do not
work properly.
Sperm transport problems are found in 30% of them. Blockages (often referred to as obstructions) in the tubes that take sperms away from the testes
to the penis can cause a complete lack of sperm in the ejaculated semen.
Can it be prevented?
When you have a disturbed sleep and lower sleep time it is quite feasible for the person to have unhealthy lifestyle, decreased libido – loss in
sexual interest. Appropriate sleep hours (between 7 to 9 hours) helps to optimize men's fertility and their chances of contributing to a pregnancy.
Eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables yields better production of sperm instead of high cholesterol diet like meat and junk foods. Men who
are at a healthy weight generally have better fertility too.
Is it diagnosable?
It is difficult to diagnose male infertility without medical tests as there may be no obvious signs. There may be no difficulty in intercourse,
erection and ejaculations and even the quantity and appearance of the semen may look normal. Medical tests are usually required, to find the
cause of the problem. These tests can then guide us towards the concerned problems with sperms and thus help us in managing male infertility.
The author is Founder & Chairman,
Gunjan IVF Group

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.


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