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Kate Middleton praised for ‘courage’ and ‘great dignity’ at Trooping the Colour appearance


Kate Middelton made her first public appearance at Trooping the Colour since her cancer diagnosis.

A former royal correspondent has praised Kate Middelton over her return to the royal spotlight during Trooping the Colour. At the event, the Princess of Wales made her first public appearance since her cancer diagnosis.

When asked by GBN America host Nana Akua about Kate's return, Michael Cole hailed her “courage” for stepping out despite her woes. “Courage is grace under pressure, it's often defined as that, and I think we saw that with Kate on Saturday,” Cole said.

‘Great dignity, great elegance and with great stoicism'

“My goodness, it's harrowing enough coping with cancer for anybody, but for somebody to have to do that, knowing that the eyes of the are upon her, a thousand lenses, looking at her at the same time as she's undergoing preventative chemotherapy for the undisclosed cancer from which she is suffering – what an ordeal,” Cole added.

Cole also pointed out how “well” the princess looked as she donned a black and white Jenny Packham dress, with a matching hat. “Didn't she carry it off with great dignity, great elegance and with great stoicism? I come back to the word courage because it's not easy to do while looking so brilliantly beautiful,” Cole said.

“If you and I went to a casting agency and said, please cast us a Princess, Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly not being available, they'd come up with somebody like Kate, the Princess of Wales,” Cole added. “And in everything she does, she carries it off with great aplomb.”

Previously, a source told US Weekly that Kate “may never come back in the role that people saw her in before” as she battles cancer. Despite her public appearance at Trooping the Colour, it remains unclear if she will be to get back to her royal duties like before, when she was front and centre on engagements with her husband, Prince William.



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