WhatsApp, one of the leading instant messaging services worldwide, is said to be working on adding more flexible chat filtering abilities according to reliable sources. Currently, the app only allows sorting conversations into Unread, Starred and Group categories. However, a new developmentcould give users more control over how they organize their various dialogues.
Evidence from reputed WhatsApp trackers shows the platform may soon enable creating personalized filter lists in addition to the standard options. This would let individuals bundle specific contacts or group chats together under self-defined names like “Work” or “Family”. When rolled out, the customized selections would sit alongside the three existing filters at the top of the display for simple access.
Staying organized is crucial as the number of chats most people have on WhatsApp increases daily. The potential filters upgrade aims to make relevant discussions easier to locate without endless scrolling. For busy professionals managing numerous project-based groups simultaneously, it could multiply workflow efficiency. The update may also help online merchants conveniently monitor customer support conversations.
However, it is important to note that the functionality remains a work-in-progress currently available only on beta builds being tested internally. The source cautions it is still uncertain whether or when customized filters may launch for every WhatsApp user. As always, the company will likely assess feedback to ensure any new features improve instead of hinder user experiences before public rollout. Overall though, the concept offers promise for keeping conversations tidy on one of the world's leading communication platforms.