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OpinionsShrinking media freedom is a cause of concern

Shrinking media freedom is a cause of concern


The freedom of the press is critically important to protect the foundation of democracy

Bishal Kumar Saha

, one of the 's largest democracies, has been witnessing a disturbing trend in recent years – a steady decline in its ranking in the World Freedom Index. The country's rank has deteriorated from 112 in 2016 to 150 in 2022. It is not surprising that India's ranking is deteriorating sharply when the government is making blatant efforts to oppress the media's free voices at any cost. The Indian government's heavy-handed approach towards the media has been a cause of concern for the last few decades. The country has witnessed a series of attacks on journalists.The government has also been accused of using various tactics to suppress dissenting voices, including imposing restrictions on the media, detaining journalists, and shutting down social media platforms. One of the most significant challenges faced by the Indian media today is the threat of defamation lawsuits. The government has used these lawsuits as a means to silence journalists and media outlets critical of its policies.

The lawsuits are often frivolous, and the damages demanded are exorbitant, which leads to self-censorship among journalists and media outlets. In addition, The use of surveillance and counter-terrorism laws, such as NSA ( Security Agency) UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) and Sedition law as conventional weapons to silence dissent and intimidate those who speak out against the government. Such laws are meant to be used for legitimate national security purposes, and should not be abused to stifle dissent or intimidate the press. The Indian government has also been using its regulatory powers to stifle media freedom.

It has been accused of selectively targeting news outlets critical of the government, imposing fines, and suspending broadcast licenses. The government has also used its control over state-run media to shape public opinion and suppress dissent. The government's attempts to control the narrative have also extended to social media platforms. In recent years, the government has asked social media platforms to take down content it deems objectionable. The government has also proposed new regulations that give it more power to regulate social media platforms, which has raised concerns about censorship and free speech. The pathetic situation of media freedom in India is a matter of great concern.

Free and independent media is essential for the functioning of a healthy democracy. It serves as a watchdog, holding those in power accountable and informing citizens about the issues that affect their lives. Recently, The Supreme Court issued a landmark judgment in support of press freedom and ordered the government to refrain from taking any action that would impede the functioning of Media One or Madhyamam. The Supreme Court's decision is a decisive step in the right direction towards upholding this fundamental right and ensuring that journalists can work independently and without fear of retribution.

The court noted that free and independent media is essential for the functioning of a democratic society and that any attempt to curb press freedom is a threat to the foundations of democracy. A vibrant and free media landscape is also necessary for the free flow of information, which is critical for an informed citizenry.

The Indian government must recognize the importance of media freedom and take steps to protect it. It must stop using its regulatory powers to stifle dissent and impose restrictions on the media. Instead, it should work towards creating an that fosters free and independent media. The use of laws like the UAPA and NSA to stifle free speech and dissent should be scrutinized and challenged, and efforts should be made to ensure that they are not misused for political purposes.

Courtesy: Daily Pioneer

(The writer is a researcher)

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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