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IndiaNCC Cadet Speaks of A Transformational Journey

NCC Cadet Speaks of A Transformational Journey


Ex-Cadet Sannak Shrivats

NCC wasn't just a program, it was a turning point in my life. Growing up in a small village like Billawar, college and NCC at GDC Billawar seemed like distant dreams. I was in 4 J&K BN NCC  of Group under NCC Directorate of Jammu & . This is my story how NCC became a   transformational journey for me.


Year 1: Passion, Patience, Perseverance and Courage*

NCC ignited a passion within me. It wasn't just about drills; it was about proving myself through training, knowledge, and teamwork. Patience & Perseverance became virtues. I learned to endure rigorous training, control my nerves, and never give up. The courage to reach for my goals, to be a lifelong part of NCC, and to persevere through challenges – NCC instilled them all.


Year 2: Confidence, Leadership, Honesty, and Discipline*

Building confidence was a major hurdle. When I joined, introducing myself or even talking to friends felt impossible. But NCC empowered me. Today, I can confidently speak and write in English, a skill I wouldn't have without NCC.

Leadership wasn't inborn; it was nurtured. Some qualities were learned, others developed. Honesty, though, shone through based on my upbringing, values, and character. Discipline became the cornerstone of my life. It energised me, gave me a new identity, and inspired others around me.


Year 3: Life Lessons Learned and Thal Sainik Camp*

NCC equipped me with invaluable life lessons:

Making my own decisions.

Effective communication skills.

The power of perseverance.

The importance of helping others.

Finding purpose in life.

Respecting hierarchy (seniors and juniors).

Patriotism and the willingness to serve my country.

Selflessness, a feeling deeply embedded in my soul.

Appreciation for my homeland.

Building lifelong friendships.


The pinnacle of my NCC experience was being selected for the prestigious Thal Sainik Camp 2022. Here, I pushed myself to the limit, competing in obstacle courses, firing exercises, and tests of mental fortitude alongside some of the best NCC cadets in the country. The camaraderie, the challenges, and the sense of accomplishment at Thal Sainik Camp will forever be etched in my memory.


NCC's Lasting Impact

Today, I'm pursuing LLB at Jammu University while serving as the State Joint Secretary of ABVP Jammu and Kashmir. NCC truly groomed me for this path.





The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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