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Jammu KashmirMulling to reopen colleges, universities in Kashmir this month after vaccinating students...

Mulling to reopen colleges, universities in Kashmir this month after vaccinating students aged above 18: LG Sinha


After vaccinating students over the age of 18 against COVID-19, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha stated on Wednesday that the UT administration is considering reopening institutions and universities in for physical classes.

According to news agency KNO, the LG while talking to reporters on the sidelines of a function at SKICC on the banks of Dal Lake, said that the government was “fully aware of the demands of parents about re-opening of schools in Kashmir”.


“We are planning to open colleges and universities this month only after vaccinating all the students above 18 years of age,” LG Sinha said.


The LG said that after colleges and universities, the government “will deliberate on re-opening schools too”.

About the security situation in Kashmir, the LG Sinha said that the situation on the security front “has improved a lot, but the challenges may remain”.



“Government and the security forces are capable of facing all challenges,” he said.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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