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    OpinionsBJP’s Politics of vendetta

    BJP’s Politics of vendetta


    Omkar Dattatray


    Political vendetta is not entirely a new political phenomena but the country has been accustomed to it in the past as well .But the way political vendetta is made use of hints towards a dangerous trend as it is used to silence the political opponents and the whole opposition .The BJP government and the political party is using political vendetta on a very big scale to browbeat the political opposition and it is a very dangerous trend and should not be resorted to by the ruling party .The undesirable phenomena of political vendetta hints towards the fact that the ruling BJP has stooped too low and is using the tool of political vendetta and doing dirty of vendetta to remain in the lime light .It seems that the ruling BJP is not attaching due importance to the strong opposition which is very necessary in a democracy .Thus is the BJP only taking recourse to the politics of political vendetta to silence the opposition and to remain saddled in power .Instead of attending to the mundane issues of the people the NDA government headed by the BJP is busy in its game of political vengeance and vendetta to remain leeched to power .All the promises which BJP had given at the time of the polls have been reduced to deceit and therefore the people are now angry with BJP and it seems that the voter will now teach a lesson to the BJP at the time of the state assembly elections of Himachal Pradesh ,Gujarat and other states which are going to polls in near future  .The BJP stifles the dissent. and the mantra of political difference has been given a go bye by the BJP and this is a big deceit with the democracy. and this is very undesirable for the growth of democracy and it has no place in a democracy.  The BJP feels shy of facing the opposition and does not give answer to the questions and quires of the opposition parties and thus is taking recourse to the time tested tool of political vendetta to attack and browbeat the countries opposition Thus is the BJP using tool of political vendetta to silence the voice of the Indian congress and takes pleasure in grilling former president of the party and its present leader Rahul Gandhi in false and fictitious and false cases so as to force him not to dare to raise its voice against the policies and programmes of the government and hence is the BJP busy in its game of political vendetta against the big opposition of congress .Difference of opinion is the base and soul of democracy but the BJP is denying space to the opposition parties and is not allowing difference of opinion to have its role in the politics of the country .The way congress leader Rahul Gandhi was grilled and asked to be present before the enforcement directorate and give answer to all the questions is a very disturbing phenomena and the political vendetta should not be resorted to by the ruling party against its opposition and by doing it only earns rebuke of the seasoned opposition .The difference of opinion should be given due importance by the ruling and the opposition political parties and here the ruling BJP is lacking .The way congress leader was grilled by the ED is not a welcome sign for the democracy of the country, it shows that in the ruling party there is no space for the countries opposition as the political space for the opposition is shrinking day by day because of the attitude of the ruling party .It is a matter of shame that all those who oppose the policies and programs of the ruling BJP are bracketed as anti nationals and it is a very serious matter for the country.Thus all those who oppose the policies ,programs and working of the NDA government headed by the BJP are labeled as anti nationals and it is a very disturbing political development .One fails to understand as to how are all those anti nationals who oppose the policies , programs and working of the BJP government .It only points to the fact that in the scheme of the BJP there should be no worthwhile opposition and as such the opposition is stifled and given the bad name of anti nationals .The way Rahul Gandhi was grilled by the enforcement directorate for consecutive two days and for hours together points to the fact as how the institutions in the country are used to silence the voice of opposition  .Thus countries institutions are being misused by the ruling BJP is a matter of grave and great concern .The democratic institutions are being used and misused to stifle the opposition and this is very unbecoming of a dynamic and vibrant democracy .Not only Rahul Gandhi is being browbeaten by the ruling BJP but all those political leaders who oppose the ruling BJP are made to suffer as they are made to face alleged false and flimsy cases so that they desist from opposing the ruling party .The chief minister of the West Bengal Mamta Banerjee is also being implicated in false cases so that the firebrand leader of the TMC will not dare to oppose the ruling BJP .False and flimsy cases are being leveled against the leaders of national conference and people,s democratic party so that its leaders will not oppose the ruling BJP .Thus NC president and former chief minister of Jammu and Dr Farooq Abdullah is being implicated in false cases so that he will not dare to oppose the y the BJP and so is he grilled by the enforcement directorate and questioned in the so called manipulation of the funds of the association .This is done to frighten him so that he may not oppose the policies and programs of the BJP .Farooq Abdullah being a tall and seasoned leader of Jammu and Kashmir who has national standing also is being questioned by the ED and NIA so that he will not open his mouth and oppose the BJP government .Similarly another regional political leader Mehbooba Mufti the president of the PDP and the former chief minister of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir is also grilled in false cases so that she will desist to oppose the ruling BJP government .The PDP president opposes the working of the BJP government and criticizes the centre and UT government for neglecting the local issues of the people of Jammu and Kashmir .She opposes the muscular policy of the BJP government and also criticizes it for working against the interests of the people of the UT  .This is nothing but the political vengeance and vendetta of the BJP against the regional satraps and leaders of Jammu and Kashmir .The BJP remains busy in the lookout for new and flimsy grounds to implicate the Kashmiri political leaders so that they are forced to tow the line of the BJP government .But the BJP leaders should understand it that the regional leaders of the NC and PDP will not fall in the trap of the BJP and they will continue to oppose the ruling BJP for its anti Kashmir policies .Thus are the top leaders of the regional NC and PDP grilled by the ED and NIA so that they desist to raise the genuine public issues and shun opposing the BJPs policies and programmes .The BJP is also using the countries democratic institutions against its opponent AAP and its ED is also grilling the leaders of the Aam Admi party.Thus is the BJP busy in the dirty game of political vendetta against its political opponents so that their voice is silenced and the BJP will continue to play the politics of communal polarization which is detrimental to the unity and integrity of the country .The communal narrative is being built by the BJP to divide the gullible people so that it will continue to rule the country and further its divisive policies .It is the moral and constitutional duty and responsibility of the opposition parties to mount pressure on the BJP government so that it desists from playing the politics of hate and hatred .The opposition parties of congress ,NC,PDP,TMC and other political parties should play their positive role and oppose those policies ,programs and working of the BJP government so that it will not deviate from perusing the people centric policies and programmes.     To conclude it can be summed up that the BJP is busy in playing the dirty politics of political vendetta against its opponents to remain leeched to power. In fact the BJP has stooped too low and is using political vendetta to silence the dissent which is the very soul of democracy and BJP should not be allowed to peruse the politics of vendetta as it is against the democratic functioning.

    (The author is a columnist and social activist)

    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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