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JammuSpl DG BSF reviews security along border

Spl DG BSF reviews security along border


Tawi, June 21: Special Director General BSF (Western Command), Chandigarh, Y B Khurania, reviewed the security scenario at the Jammu Border during his two-day visit to the frontier that ended on Friday.

He was received by IG DK Boora and other senior officers of the Jammu Frontier.

IG BSF gave a detailed presentation to the SDG BSF, covering all the critical aspects of border security and domination along the IB of Jammu, according to an official communique.

It further said the SDG BSF visited the Samba border area, where he was briefed by the Sector Commander and Battalion Commandant about the operational preparedness of the BSF along the border.

During the visit, he interacted with the soldiers and praised them for performing their duties with dedication and professionalism.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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