Security forces have launched an extensive search operation in Thannamandi region of Rajouri district after locals reported hearing gunshots in the area on Tuesday morning. Few details have emerged so far regarding the nature of the incident, but police say they are actively investigating the situation.
According to initial information, some residents of villages near Thannamandi town contacted authorities after unusual sounds, believed to be gunfire, disrupted the peaceful countryside environment. Police were promptly dispatched to look into the matter and attempt to establish exactly what transpired.
A heavy police and military presence now descends on surrounding locations as personnel meticulously comb the rugged terrain for clues. Local sources mention the gunshots seemingly came from a more secluded stretch of forest or mountainous bush. Verifying these claims forms a priority for law enforcement during their ongoing sweep of the landscape.
Until a full account surfaces, speculation runs rife. However, investigators stress the importance of awaiting official updates before jumping to conclusions. Their focus remains on sifting through the remote locale in search of any physical evidence or witnesses who can shed light on this puzzling morning disturbance. The community anxiously awaits further news from the ongoing operation.