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TechnologyGoogle CEO addresses debate around new AI Summary feature in search

Google CEO addresses debate around new AI Summary feature in search


In a recent interview, Google CEO Sundar Pichai directly addressed concerns surrounding the company's new AI Overview feature which provides short summaries of sites at the top of search results. The feature, introduced last month, has sparked debate around its potential impact on traffic to publishers and independent sites.

Pichai acknowledged the significant change and understandable worries from those who have invested in online content. However, he remained optimistic that the feature would prove beneficial in driving more engagement with high-quality sources over time.

When asked about potential “Google Zero” scenarios where some sites see no traffic, Pichai pointed out short-term fluctuations for individual players. He emphasized Google's track record of referring more users to the overall ecosystem. The CEO also believes AI Overviews can encourage further exploration beyond the initial summary.

On the issue of spam content flooding the web, Pichai reiterated Google's dedication to identifying and ranking only verifiable, fact-based information from reputable sources. He expressed confidence that their expertise in filtering high versus low quality will serve users well as evolves.

In summary, while the introduction of AI Overviews ushers in uncertainty, Pichai's comments reflect Google's goal of providing valuable context to searchers while continuing to bolster premium publishers. Only long-term trends will show how the new feature impacts traffic patterns across the internet landscape.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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