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    Jammu KashmirCOVID not over yet, vaccination, SOPs paramount for effective control of virus:...

    COVID not over yet, vaccination, SOPs paramount for effective control of virus: Advisor Baseer Khan


    Chairs public meeting at Verinag, calls upon public representatives to keep supporting in Covid mitigation

    Anantnag, Jul 14: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Ahmad Khan accompanied by Directors of RDD and Floriculture, Chief Engineer PDD and other government functionaries Wednesday toured Dooru Subdivision of Anantnag district.

    The Advisor reviewed enforcement of Covid SOPs, progress in vaccination, and developmental works of PDD, RDD, Floriculture. The Advisor also interacted with DDCs BDCs, Auqaf members and other civil society members. He also attended to grievances from various public delegations and individuals.

    Advisor Baseer Khan on his visit to the subdivision inspected the Receiving Station Pulia where the officers informed him that the project has been completed and put to public use.

    The Director Rural development, Tariq Ahmed Zargar accompanying the Advisor gave an overview of the works being undertaken by the Rural Development Department in the area.  ADDC Bashir Ahmad apprised the Advisor about the pace and progress of developmental works in the sub division. The Advisor issued on spot directions to the officers to strictly adhere to the timelines and laid emphasis on labour intensive works which are beneficial in the current circumstances. He also directed to make timely payments of MGNREGA as it has direct ramifications on the livelihood of rural labourers.

    Baseer Khan also passed directions for putting more efforts to enhance the pace of developmental works especially the wage employment and works. He, however, laid stress on adherence to Covid SOPs so that a balance is maintained to earn livelihood along with measures to protect public .

    Later, the Advisor chaired Public grievance at Cafeteria Park Verinag where he interacted with DDC, ULB and BDC members. He also listened to scores of public delegations and civil society members. Directors RDD and Floriculture, ADDC Anantnag, Chief Engineer PDD, SDM Dooru, ACD and officers of line departments were also there.

    Addressing the public grievances, Advisor urged upon the officers to regularly visit Rural and far off areas and address the problems of the people at their door steps, adding that due to Covid, Rural populace has been facing inconvenience in meeting the Administration for resolution of their grievances.

    Advisor impressed upon the officers to continue the vaccination drives with full momentum till everyone is vaccinated for our collective health and safety. He directed all concerned officers associated with Covid duty, especially doctors to make people aware about the importance of vaccination and strive hard to dispel rumors which vitiate the Covid containment measures.

    Baseer Khan congratulated the district for achieving cent percent vaccination of above 45 population with at least one dose and enjoined upon the officers to ensure people participation in the vaccination drives with enthusiasm. He said the beneficiaries should receive the second dose as per the timeline set under the guidelines besides impetus to immunize people between 18 to 44 year old should be accelerated. Advisor said the Covid is not over yet and appealed the public to get vaccinated and adopt COVID Appropriate Behavior in and spirit.

    The Advisor said all the stakeholders must act responsibly to avert the possible 3rd Covid Wave and the SOPs like mask wearing, appropriate physical distancing etc be given paramount importance during the unlock period when the chances of exposure to the virus are more. He impressed upon the people and officers to ensure the Covid Appropriate Behavior at all places during the ensuing Eid days and other religious and social gatherings  is maintained adding that the PRIs and Imams have a big role to ensure the same.

    Elaborating on the steps taken by the government for Covid Mitigation and development, the Advisor said the Lieutenant Governor's Administration has ensured availability of sufficient stock of vaccines at peoples' doorsteps besides the medical oxygen capacity has been augmented proactively by installing plants across the UT including at far off places. He further said the LG is personally monitoring the Covid Scenario and Mitigation efforts on daily basis besides taking regular stock of development and welfare measures by all departments.

    Advisor Baseer Khan said the Covid Care Centres and Tele Medicine facilities are novel concepts to address Covid and Non-Covid medical issues at local and community level besides being strong foundations for rural healthcare.

    On the occasion, the delegation of public representatives apprised the Advisor about their grievances and demands. The demand of mitigating the water crisis in most of the areas of the sub-division was projected by many delegations.

    The Advisor said the matter shall be taken up on priority with the concerned department and shall be brought to the notice of Lieutenant Governor. Protection of Sandran and Vaishav Nallahs at various critical points was also demanded by the delegations.

    The Advisor gave on the spot directions to the Director RDD to frame estimates by dovetailing the works with irrigation and flood control department at an earliest in order to mitigate the issue immediately.

    The Delegations demanded Development of play fields on which the Advisor promised to take up the matter with concerned department.

    The Advisor also asked the Director to explore new tourist destinations in the area. He also directed the Director floriculture to repair all the dysfunctional lights and take up beautification of parks and paths on priority in the Verinag garden on being told by one of the delegations about the issues pertaining to maintenance of garden in Verinag. He gave a timeline of 10 days for action taken report from the Director Floriculture. The Advisor also directed the Chief Engineer PDD to put in all the efforts for the up-gradation and strengthening the power supply system in the sub-division.

    At the conclusion, public representatives and the civil society members thanked the Advisor for reaching out to them and making efforts for their welfare and development of the area.

    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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