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Jammu Kashmir4th Covid wave unlikely in J&K: Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan

4th Covid wave unlikely in J&K: Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan


‘Rise of Covid cases in China, other countries not worrisome'

Srinagar, Mar 23 (KNO): A senior medico and flu-expert, Dr Nisar ul Hassan on Wednesday said that the Covid-19 cases on rise in China and other countries is not worrisome and that and is unlikely to witness 4th wave of the deadly virus.

Dr Nisar while talking to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that there has been a massive surge in Covid-19 cases in China and other countries like Hongkong, South Korea but it is not a cause of concern for Jammu and Kashmir as in China, the people are getting affected with the Omicron variant.

Omicron triggered a third wave in J&K, which has ended and in fact, the Covid has likely entered from pandemic to endemic zone, he said.

“Omicron infected almost everyone here, which basically happened for the good of people because it was milder but Covid is going to stay with us but like other respiratory viruses and it won't trigger wave now like it did in the past,” he said, adding that it has settled with Omicron and went to endemic state now.

“There are speculations about fourth wave but most of the experts believe that modelling is just a guess and I also firmly believe with the vaccination and natural immunity, it is unlikely that we will have fourth wave now,” he said.

“It is mostly unlikely that Omicron will be replaced by any other variant and there can be mild changes but not to the extent that we will have surges like we witnessed in the past,” he said—(KNO)

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.


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